A Step-By-Step Muscle Building Plan: Hourly Guide Towards Achieving Your Dream Physique

It’s quite hard to squeeze a time for your health and fitness goals with all the fatigue from work, family obligations and occasional weekly hangout with friends. It’s even harder to achieve your goals with all those conflicting ideas regarding workout factors such as meal frequency and optimal workout times. The whole idea of gaining muscle mass becomes a little bit confusing especially if you’re new to muscle building. 

To simplify the process for you, a step-by-step plan that will help you achieve your dream physique is provided below.


    1.       You need to hydrate your dehydrated body after lying in bed for 6-8 hours. Seventy-five percent of muscle tissue is water so it is important to drink a glass of water after getting up on your bed to enhance your muscle building abilities. Drink pure drinking water first before having a cup of coffee in the morning.

    2.       Consume healthy breakfast. Breakfast is still an important meal especially for men who want to gain muscle mass. High quality breakfast can help break down your muscles after 6-8 hours without food. Start your breakfast with foods high in protein together with few sources of dietary fat. Don’t forget to finish your meal with another full glass of water.


    1.       Take your high-protein snack. The best way to avoid coffee cakes and cinnamon rolls is to consume high-protein snack in the mid-morning. Healthy snacks can keep your energy levels high.

    2.       Hydrate. Take 10-12 ounces of water to keep you hydrated and prevent hunger pangs.

    3.       Move. If you belong to the majority of working population, you likely spend most of your time in the office sitting in front of your computer. Long hours of sitting can destroy your posture and can hinder in achieving your desired physique. Cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease and depressed mood states are associated with long hours of sitting. Enhance your muscle mass and beat these associated diseases by moving around mid-morning. Try to move around your office for at least 5 minutes every hour. If possible, throw some bodyweight squats and push-ups.


    1.       Workout. Workouts in the afternoon are ideal because your body is likely more warmed up than in the morning. When your body is warm-up, you’re not prone to injury when working out. Moreover, testosterone and growth hormone are at higher levels at this time, meaning you can get the most benefit from your lifting session. Hit your entire body to get the most out of your afternoon workout. Combine it with multi-joint exercises such as deadlifts and squats.

    2.       Consume high protein lunch. Protein is needed after your workout and it is best to incorporate it with easy-to-digest carbohydrates such as rice or potatoes. Carbohydrates can give you faster recovery and enhance your muscle building process because they can slow down catabolism.

    3.       Supplement with creatine. The best time to take creatine is after workout. This sports supplement has become popular for one reason; it really works as supported by various studies.


    1.       Take a nap. Rejuvenate yourself by taking a mid-afternoon nap and skipping out on the afternoon coffee. Ten to thirty minutes of nap is enough to rejuvenate for the rest of the workday. If it is not possible to take a nap from work, practice meditation instead.

     2.       Hydrate. Drink a cup of water to replenish yourself for lost fluids during your workout and to keep high energy levels as well as to keep away yourself from sugar-filled drinks and foods.


    1.       Eat a homemade dinner. Don’t waste your perfect day with unhealthy meal. Take foods rich in protein, carbohydrates and fat.

    2.       Don’t indulge in some evening cocktails. If you can’t avoid alcoholic drinks, take them in moderation but be sure not to drink too much because it can decrease key hormone production.


      Get quality sleep. Sleep regularly to get the most out of your routine. Set regular bedtimes          and evening routines to help you get continuous sleep.