Things To Know For The Week Prior To Your Marathon

Preparation is needed for any big activity because without it could cause you trouble instead of fun. If you’re into running, a marathon is your big event. It’s important to ensure you taper your runs prior to the day of marathon. Here are some suggestions for the week leading up to your big day.

        ·         Stick to your routine. Don’t make too drastic change to your routine the week before the marathon. Continue eating healthy and quality foods. You can start to supply your body more carbohydrates a few days prior to the race. You may add carbs every meal.

        ·         Sleep earlier. Give yourself a few extra hours of sleep a week or two before the marathon. More importantly, sleep more hours two nights prior to your big event.

        ·         Taper properly. Run less miles to rest your legs. You can keep up the intensity without adding miles. It is a good practice to either jog or walk for two miles a day before the race.

        ·         Stick with what you know. Race expos feature some interesting gear and products and usually at bargain prices. You can take advantage on big discounts but don’t wear them on the race day. The same goes to foods. You can try and buy foods at the expo but don’t eat anything new to you until after the race. You don’t know how your body reacts if you take something new and the last thing you want to happen is to get sick or feel sick on the day prior to the marathon.

        ·         Hydrate. Around two hours before the start of the race, drink about 16 ounces of water. This is to give enough time to the water to pass through your system.

        ·         Stay focus on your pace and strategy. Your adrenaline is usually high at the start of the race because of excitement. But don’t let your adrenaline rush to control your game. Don’t run faster than planned. Stay focus on your pace and strategy. Ignore everyone around you. Proper pacing makes you stay longer on the marathon.

Good luck to your next marathon and have fun!!!